
Acolytes & Servers

Several adult and youth serve as acolytes at St. Paul's, handling a variety of duties including lighting candles before and during the services, acting as crucifer and carrying the processional cross during the procession, acting as thurifer and carrying the thurible of incense during worship services, acting as server and assisting the priest and/or deacon at the altar during the worship service.

There are also adults who are trained and licensed to serve as lay eucharistic ministers at the altar. They serve the chalice during the Sunday service and other days of the week.

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild is a group of dedicated women, chosen by the Rector to serve as "God's housekeepers". The group is divided into four teams, each of which works one week each month setting the altar for regular services as well as any special services such as weddings or funerals. After the service it is the job of the on duty team to clear the altar and wash and put away all of the utensils.

Contact Cheryl Gumper or Christie Swanson, Altar Guild Co-Directors for more information.

Coffee Hour Hosts

The Coffee Hour Host serves coffee and refreshments in Holy Spirit Hall after each service. This is a time for members and newcomers to come together and socialize. Volunteers are needed to host Coffee Hour for each service.


Prayer Circle - Prayer Chain Ministry

Through prayer, the members of the St. Paul’s Prayer Chain Ministry reach out to those in need of God’s help and guidance.

The members of the prayer chain share their gift of intercession for those who request their help. To request prayer contact us at .

Usher Corps

Usher Corps

Ushers are a part of the St. Paul’s ministry team. All of our ushers serve an important ministry, and do so on a regular schedule and as needed for occasions such as funerals and other special events.

Ushers are responsible for aiding both parishioners and the clergy before, during, and after all services throughout the week. Ushers are also responsible for delivering Altar flowers to shut-ins.

Everyone is welcome to become an usher. If you are interested please see Debbie Batchelder (10:30 am) or Harry Strait (8 am).